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Decuevas My First Pram Niza Collection 86046

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I bet on the imitation game for the little ones, a very fun way of playing and that helps to develop skills that are most useful for their day to day. Do it thanks to this beautiful My First Car Nice Doll Carriage from DeCuevas , a great piece that adapts perfectly to the needs and preferences of the little ones.

Information to keep in mind:

+ Recommended age: 12m or more years old.
+ DeCuevas Collection: Nice.
+ The pack includes: Dolls trolley with pink and white checkered design with fabric storage tray, mattress, pillow and children's bag to match the trolley.
+ Approximate dimensions of the item: 56 cm high x 35 cm wide x 50 cm long.
+ Approximate dimensions of the interior of the carrycot: 24 cm wide x 41 cm long.
+ Approximate height at which the handlebar is: 56 cm high.
+ Note: Doll and extra accessories are not included in the pack, they are sold separately.

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